Terreno en Venta en colonia Pueblo San Sebastian Del Oeste, San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco | $862,000 USD | 96m2

Visto 1021 veces

Resumen de Terreno en Venta

Tipo: Terreno
Venta/Alquiler: Venta
Precio: $862,000 USD
Costo/m2: 8,979 USD
Baños: 1
Recámaras: 1
Área: 96m2
Ubicación: Pueblo San Sebastian Del Oeste, San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco
Publicado: 07/11/2013

Descripción de Terreno en Venta

Rare opportunity Rancho Ermitas with spectacular mountain setting and huge vistas 537 private acres (215 hectares) covered in oak and pine (2007 survey updated in 2010) Deeded and fenced Never Ejido land Includes new adobe/stucco house, new metal barn/stable and corral, and new ranch hand’s house Directly accessible by public road and served by public electric line traversing entire length of ranch Abundant water Well furnished house features long, bricked verandas, custom chandeliers inside and out, custom cabinets, talavera counters, new stainless appliances and stacking washer dryer In addition to the 537 acres, sale includes an easement on the old Spanish mining road which goes from the ranch to historic Real Alto village Easement is approximately 5,700 meters long (35 miles) with an alternate route 1,300 meters (08 miles) Newly constructed house is spacious one room construction and large bathroom, well finished with custom chandeliers and lights and specially designed and built counters with beautiful talavera tile tops The house is very comfortable and includes a covered porch on two sides which are 10 feet wide The house roof is of antique tile and modern durable underlayment Ceiling is wood with interior wooden beams supporting the roof House is approximately 96 sq mts or approximately 1,000 sp ft Modern appliances include a two door refrigerator/freezer, stove, microwave and Bosch dishwasher At the start of the 21st century, it has a population of less than 1,000 It receives some tourist visits from nearby Puerto Vallarta, as it is served by an airfield and recent road improvements have cut the transit time by car from Puerto Vallarta to less than 2 hours Ruins of a gold and silver reduction foundry Some highlights: The temple of Saint Sebastian, whose original construction dates from 1608, has details of roman and corinthian architecture

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Ubicación de Terreno en Venta

Evaluación de la zona Pueblo San Sebastian Del Oeste

Evaluación General de usuarios y Agentes para Pueblo San Sebastian Del Oeste:
Si conoces la zona Pueblo San Sebastian Del Oeste ayúdanos a evaluarla haciendo clic en las estrellas de la siguiente tabla. Evaluación promedio:
Seguridad del lugar
Restaurantes Cercanos
Comercios Cercanos
Parques y Recreación Cercanos
Escuelas Cercanas
Sin problemas de Tráfico
Fácil de encontrar Estacionamiento
Lugares de Entretenimiento y
Vida Nocturna Cercanos
Buen Transporte público
Limpieza en las calles
Agradable para Caminar
Admite animales
Pueblo San Sebastian Del Oeste ha sido evaluada 0 veces

Simula tu crédito hipotecario para Terreno en Venta en San Sebastian del Oeste

Datos del cŕédito

Valor del inmueble: $ 862,000.00
Enganche: 20 %
Plazo: 15 años

Resultado del cálculo

Monto enganche
Gastos notariales (7%)
Desembolso inicial
Monto del crédito

Nota: El simulador de crédito arroja resultados estimados, por lo que el pago mensual es aproximado y puede variar entre cada institución dependiendo de factores como el enganche, la tasa de interés al momento de contratar y otros más. Pida información a la institución para más detalle.

Hipoteca Interés Pago/Mes Pago/total
8.45 %
9.70 %
9.99 %
10.00 %
10.10 %
10.10 %
10.41 %
10.45 %
10.50 %
10.50 %
Fuente: condusef.gob.mx Ver mas créditos

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