13 Casas en venta en Colonia Country Club, Guaymas | Inmuebles Colonia Country Club, Guaymas

Casa en Venta en Colonia Country Club
Guaymas, Sonora
Tel/Cel: 622 2262188

New one story house: 3 master bedrooms (each with walk-in closet), plus half bathroom, studio, kitchen, laundry, pantry, two car carport Beautiful carpentry work throughout All solid cedar Landscaped Appliances included, no furniture Built-in grill in back yard Stair case to roof Small dome in the... Ver más detalles

Área: 0m2
Publicado: 17/01/2025

Casa en Venta en Colonia Country Club
Guaymas, Sonora
Tel/Cel: 622 2262188

Take a look at this home at the base of Clubhouse at the San Carlos Country Club just off the 1st t-boxIt has a wonderful patio outside of the kitchen where the well designed pool area has great view of the Tetakawi Mountain This home is very well built with lots of storage and walk in closets in e... Ver más detalles

Área: 0m2
Publicado: 09/01/2025

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